UV-VIS detector

UV/Vis Detector: SPD-40 / 40V


The SPD-40/40V is a UV-VIS detector which offers highly sensitive analyte detection (Noise level ≤ 4.0 x 10-6 AU), and a wide linear range (2.5 AU). The UV version (SPD-40) features a dual wavelength mode within the wavelength range of 190 to 700 nm while the UV-Vis model (SPD-40V)  covers the entire range from 190 to 1000 nm. Noise and drift are minimized by the fully temperature controlled optical system and flow cell. The built-in cell ID stores cell information in method and data files. Both the deuterium (D2) and tungsten (W) lamps have a built-in chip to monitor usage hours. A variety of flow cells that can be replaced easily by the user are available for applications ranging from standard HPLC to UHPLC, semi-micro, and preparative purification.

Multi Wavelength Detector: SPD-30AM


The SPD-30AM high-sensitivity multi wavelength detector combines highly sensitive multi-wavelength analysis with the ease-of-use of a standard UV detector. This model achieves a 0.4 × 10-6 AU noise level, while the SR-Cell (Sensitivity and Resolution Cell) significantly cuts peak dispersion. The SPD-30AM can be used in conventional HPLC as well as UHPLC analyses. The optional high-sensitivity cell has an 85 mm optical path length and is able to detect trace amounts of analytes that are difficult to detect with standard UV/VIS detectors. The temperature-controlled optics result in improved baseline stability.


Photo-diode Array detector

PDA Detector: SPD-M40


The SPD-M40 detector achieves an extremely high level of  sensitivity (Noise level ≤ 4.5 x 10-6 AU) and linearity (2.5 AU). This allows quantitation of very low levels of impurities even in highly concentrated samples. It is equipped with a UV cut-off filter, which prevents sample degradation due to UV light, helping to maintain robust analysis by minimizing sample decomposition. In addition to conventional cell temperature regulation, the lamp and spectrometer, which are responsible for thermal effects on absorbance, are also thermally regulated, further reducing baseline fluctuations caused by the light source. The built-in cell ID stores cell information in method and data files. A variety of flow cells that can be replaced easily by the user are available for applications ranging from standard HPLC to UHPLC, semi-micro, and preparative purification. Unique software features, such as the i-PDeA II – Intelligent Peak Deconvolution Analysis for single peak extraction from co-eluting bands or the i-DReC – Intelligent Dynamic Range Extension Calculator further improve data quality.

  •  SPD-M40 Temp Control
  •  SPD-M40 UV Cut Off

PDA Detector: SPD-M30A


This detector achieves a 4 × 10-6 AU noise level. The low volume SR-Cell significantly reduces band dispersion for high sensitivity and peak resolution. This model supports analysis from conventional LC to ultra-fast UHPLC analyses. The optional high-sensitivity cell has an 85 mm optical path length and is able to detect trace components that would usually be difficult to determine using a conventional absorbance detector. Temperature controlled optics further improve baseline stability.

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