Hydraulic Flat Grips for Heavy Cloth


  • Specifically for testing heavy cloth
  • Characterized by a strong, symmetric clamping force
  • Accommodate wide specimens up to 85 mm (3.3 in)
  • Models with maximum capacity of 10 kN (2,200 lbf) and 50 kN (11,000 lbf)
  • Accompanying hydraulic units available with grip face opening and closing devices
  • 10 kN grips have a provisional tightening mechanism for mounting specimens temporarily to the grip

Relevant Materials:
Heavy Cloth

Relevant Specimens:


Hydraulic flat grips have wide grip faces and a strong, symmetric clamping force, making these grips ideal for tensile testing heavy cloth. Two models of hydraulic flat grips are available: 10 kN (2,200 lbf) and 50 kN (11,000 lbf) capacity models.

Grip kits include upper and lower grips, wave grip faces, a grip face opening and closing device, and a hydraulic unit. The 10 kN hydraulic flat grips have a provisional tightening mechanism for mounting specimens temporarily to the grip with small force, which helps in centering the specimen before the full gripping force is applied.

A water-cooled hydraulic unit is used for the 10 kN grips and requires a water supply of 10 L/min, has a maximum pressure of 21 MPa (214 kg/cm2, 3,046 psi), and uses an AC 3-phase 200 V, 2.5 W power source. The 50 kN grip's hydraulic unit is air cooled, provides a maximum pressure of 70 MPa (714 kg/cm2, 10,153 psi), and requires two power sources: an AC 3-phase 200 V, 750 W power source for the unit, and an AC single-phase 200 V, 35 W power source for the cooling fan.

Additional and replacement wave grip face options can be found in the document on Grip Faces for Hydraulic Flat Grips for Heavy Cloth.

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