LabSolutions Insight - Особенности

Multi-analyte Quantitation Software

Intuitive Operations

Create custom configurations accommodating your unique requirements. Generate intuitive and meaningful reports, reduce costs, and improve the efficiency of your data processing environment.

Intuitive Operations

Configurable layouts can be conveniently displayed on multiple monitors. Switching quickly between sample centric and compound centric views enables analysts to work according to their preference.

Intuitive Operations


Automated QA/QC Flagging and Peak Comparison

Highlight Peaks According to Your Limits

Insight contains over 75 user-controlled QA/QC flagging criteria for retention times, reference ion ratios, concentration limits, and more. Configurable color-coding is available to highlight results that are near or outside of limits.

Highlight Peaks According to Your Limits

Peak Data Comparison

Insight allows the user to view a large number of chromatograms at once. To make data review easier, each chromatogram can be overlaid with a reference peak, such as the reference ion chromatogram or a low-level standard.

Peak Data Comparison


MS/MS Libraries and Compound Identification

Optional LabSolutions Insight Library Screening software* offers MS/MS library search capabilities. Instrument parameters and MS/MS library spectra are available to deliver faster data acquisition, higher data quality, and enhanced identification. Shimadzu’s LabSolutions Insight Library Screening software offers easy viewing of your compounds of interest, including structural information, retention time, and library similarity score.

Peak Data Comparison


*By checking the library search result, yo can preciously identify the compound. 

Easily Control of Quantitation and Reference Ions

Analysts can update retention times and reference ion ratios quickly and easily from a single standard or a group of standards. It is also easy to reassign quantitation ions as needed for method development purposes or because of unexpected matrix interferences.

Easily Control of Quantitation and Reference Ions

Concentration Summation for Isomers

Some methods require the summation of multiple peaks to be reported as a single value. Insight easily allows compound grouping, as in the case of pesticide isomers below.

Concentration Summation for Isomers

Data Integrity

Data Integrity

LabSolutions Insight is compatible with LabSolutions DB, enabling traceability, audit trail, data management, and user management capabilities.

Database Security

Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 type regulations in a GxP environment requires that data be authenticated and secure. Insight is compatible with LabSolutions DB/CS to facilitate these tasks.

Management of Records

LabSolutions Insight and LabSolutions DB/CS enable compliance with regulations regarding user login, assignment of user rights, and accessibility to data.
You can also login to LabSolutions Insight using your Windows account.

Easily Understood Audit Trails

The new workflow offered by LabSolutions Insight manages all information related to data analysis as a single file, resulting in simple and easy-to-understand audit trail functionality.

Efficient Workflow

Efficient Workflow

Processing and reporting sample data is a critical part of your laboratory's workflow. Insight offers multiple ways to produce meaningful reports, or to interface to your LIS. Insight also offers a choice of processing methods to suit your needs.


Insight can process samples by updating the raw data files or by creating independent results files according to the user's preference. Likewise, create sample reports on a per sample basis, or a per batch basis. Insight is also compatible with HL7 protocol.


Centralized Management of Analytical Results

Results files record concentration results, analysis parameters, calibration information, peak integration results, audit trail information, and more.

Easily Compare and Review Results

Data results for entire sample sets are readily accessible. Convenient and comprehensive display enables rapid comparison.

Efficient File Processing

Spend less time waiting for your files to load. Insight allows processing in real time while the system is retrieving files, making data review more efficient.

Using LabSolutions Insight in Combination with Databases and Method Packages

Using Multiple Client Computers

multiple computers are used to analyze multi-analyte data, LabSolutions Insight does not need to be installed on all the computers. As long as the computers are connected via a network, even client computers without LabSolutions Insight installed can be used for data analysis.*1
*1 An additional license is required for each computer used to analyze data.

Using Multiple Client Computers

Compatible Models
GCMS-TQ™ series, GCMS-QP™ series
LCMS-8060(NX), LCMS-8050, LCMS-8045, LCMS-8040, LCMS-8030

Operating system:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional/
Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional

Workstation software:
GCMSsolution™ Ver. 4.45 or later
LabSolutions LCMS Ver. 5.91 or later
LabSolutions DB LCMS/LabSolutions DB GCMS/
LabSolutions CS Ver. 6.81 or later


LabSolutions Insight, LabSolutions, GCMS-TQ, GCMS-QP and GCMSsolution are trademarks of Shimadzu Corporation or its affiliated companies in Japan and/or other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.



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